External dimensions - 18 1/8" Square.
Super Depth - 5 7/8"
Brood Body Depth - 8 7/8"
14" X 12" Brood Body Depth - 12 1/2"
Brood Area is 2,200 Sq. Inch.
No. Of Worker Cells - 50,000
Bottom Bee Space
Frame Sizes
Top Bars – 17” long
Bottom bars – 14” long
Shallow side bars – 5 ½” long
Deep side bars – 8 ½” long
14” x12” side bars – 12” long
Foundation sizes
Shallow – 13 7/16” x 5”
Deep – 13 7/16” x 8”
14 x 12” – 13 7/16” x 11 ½”
Number of frames per box
11 Hoffman Self-Spacing (SN4)
10 British Standard Manley Frames
9 or 10 Frames on Castellated Spacers
8 Frames on Wide Ends
14" X 12" Brood Body:
11 Hoffman Self-spacing 14" X 12" Frames
12 Hoffman Self-Spacing Frames can be fitted in to a brood body/super, although it is recommended that 11 is used as this make manipulations easier.
WBC Hive Dimensions
External dimension of lifts - 21 1/2” square
External dimension of brood body and super –17 3/4” x 16 1/4”
Super depth - 5 7/8”
Brood body depth - 8 7/8”
14” x 12” brood body depth - 12 1/2”
The brood area is 2000 sq. ins.
No. of worker cells 45,000
Bottom Bee Space
Frames sizes
Top Bars – 17” long
Bottom bars – 14” long
Shallow side bars – 5 1/1” long
Deep side bars – 8 1/2” long
14” x12” side bars – 12” long
Foundation sizes
Shallow – 13 7/16” x 5”
Deep – 13 7/16” x 8”
14 x 12” – 13 7/16” x 11 1/2”
11 Hoffman Self-Spacing (SN4)
10 British Standard Manley Frames
9 or 10 Frames on Castellated Spacers
8 Frames on Wide Ends
Number of frames per box
10 Hoffman Self-spacing (SN4) It is possible to fit in 11 frames, but it is easier for manipulation to use 10 frames and a dummy board.
8 or 10 frames on castellated spacers
9 Manley frames
8 frames on Wide Ends
Brood Body:
10 Hoffman Self-spacing (DN4) It is possible to fit in 11 frames, but it is easier for manipulation to use 10 frames and a dummy board
10 frames on narrow ends.
8 or 10 frames on castellated spacers
14" X 12" Brood Body:
Langstroth Bee Hive
External Dimension – 20” x 16 1/4”
Brood Body Depth – 9 7/16”
Jumbo Brood Body Depth 11 3/4”
Super Depth - 5 3/4”
The Brood Area is 2750 sq. ins.
No. of Worker Cells 61,400
Top Bee Space
Frames sizes
Top Bars – 19” Long
Bottom Bars – 17 9/16” Long
Deep Side Bars – 9 1/8” Long
Jumbo Side Bars – 11 ¼” Long
Shallow Side Bars – 5 3/8” Long
Foundation Sizes
Deep – 16 3/4” 8 5/8”
Jumbo – 16 3/4” x 10 3/4”
Shallow – 16 3/4” x 4 7/8”
Number of frames per box:
10 Hoffman frames in either a brood body or super
8 Manley frames in the super
Smith Beehive
External dimension – 16 3/8” x 18 1/4”
Brood body depth - 8 7/8”
Super depth - 5 7/8”
The brood Area is 2200 sq. ins.
No. of worker cells 50,000
Top Bee Space
Frames Sizes
Top Bars – 15 1/2” long
Bottom Bars – 14” long
Deep Side Bars – 8 1/2” long
Shallow Side Bars – 5 1/2” long
Foundation Sizes
Deep – 13 7/16” x 8”
Shallow – 13 7/16” x 5”
Number of frames per box:
11 Hoffman Self-Spacing Frames in either a Brood Body or Super
10 Manley Frames in the Super