Assembly Instructions


Please select the link below for your hive assembly instructions.
National hive
National and WBC Gabled ROOF only
National Hive Stand
WBC Hive
Langstroth Hive
Smith Hive


(Metric version coming soon)
National Bee Hive
External dimensions - 18 1/8" Square.
Super Depth - 5 7/8"
Brood Body Depth - 8 7/8"
14" X 12" Brood Body Depth - 12 1/2"
Brood Area is 2,200 Sq. Inch.
No. Of Worker Cells - 50,000
Bottom Bee Space

Frame Sizes
Top Bars – 17” long
Bottom bars – 14” long
Shallow side bars – 5 ½” long
Deep side bars – 8 ½” long
14” x12” side bars – 12” long

Foundation sizes
Shallow – 13 7/16” x 5”
Deep – 13 7/16” x 8”
14 x 12” – 13 7/16” x 11 ½”

Number of frames per box
11 Hoffman Self-Spacing (SN4)
10 British Standard Manley Frames
9 or 10 Frames on Castellated Spacers
8 Frames on Wide Ends

Brood Body:
11 Hoffman Self-Spacing Frames (DN4)
11 Frames on Narrow Ends

14" X 12" Brood Body:
11 Hoffman Self-spacing 14" X 12" Frames

12 Hoffman Self-Spacing Frames can be fitted in to a brood body/super, although it is recommended that 11 is used as this make manipulations easier.
WBC Hive Dimensions
External dimension of lifts - 21 1/2” square
External dimension of brood body and super –17 3/4” x 16 1/4”
Super depth - 5 7/8”
Brood body depth - 8 7/8”
14” x 12” brood body depth - 12 1/2”
The brood area is 2000 sq. ins.
No. of worker cells 45,000
Bottom Bee Space

Frames sizes
Top Bars – 17” long
Bottom bars – 14” long
Shallow side bars – 5 1/1” long
Deep side bars – 8 1/2” long
14” x12” side bars – 12” long

Foundation sizes
Shallow – 13 7/16” x 5”
Deep – 13 7/16” x 8”
14 x 12” – 13 7/16” x 11 1/2”

11 Hoffman Self-Spacing (SN4)
10 British Standard Manley Frames
9 or 10 Frames on Castellated Spacers
8 Frames on Wide Ends

Number of frames per box
10 Hoffman Self-spacing (SN4) It is possible to fit in 11 frames, but it is easier for manipulation to use 10 frames and a dummy board.
8 or 10 frames on castellated spacers
9 Manley frames
8 frames on Wide Ends

Brood Body:
10 Hoffman Self-spacing (DN4) It is possible to fit in 11 frames, but it is easier for manipulation to use 10 frames and a dummy board
10 frames on narrow ends.
8 or 10 frames on castellated spacers

14" X 12" Brood Body:
Langstroth Bee Hive
External Dimension – 20” x 16 1/4”
Brood Body Depth – 9 7/16”
Jumbo Brood Body Depth 11 3/4”
Super Depth - 5 3/4”
The Brood Area is 2750 sq. ins.
No. of Worker Cells 61,400
Top Bee Space

Frames sizes
Top Bars – 19” Long
Bottom Bars – 17 9/16” Long
Deep Side Bars – 9 1/8” Long
Jumbo Side Bars – 11 ¼” Long
Shallow Side Bars – 5 3/8” Long

Foundation Sizes
Deep – 16 3/4” 8 5/8”
Jumbo – 16 3/4” x 10 3/4”
Shallow – 16 3/4” x 4 7/8”

Number of frames per box:
10 Hoffman frames in either a brood body or super
8 Manley frames in the super
Smith Beehive
External dimension – 16 3/8” x 18 1/4”
Brood body depth - 8 7/8”
Super depth - 5 7/8”
The brood Area is 2200 sq. ins.
No. of worker cells 50,000
Top Bee Space

Frames Sizes
Top Bars – 15 1/2” long
Bottom Bars – 14” long
Deep Side Bars – 8 1/2” long
Shallow Side Bars – 5 1/2” long

Foundation Sizes
Deep – 13 7/16” x 8”
Shallow – 13 7/16” x 5”

Number of frames per box:
11 Hoffman Self-Spacing Frames in either a Brood Body or Super
10 Manley Frames in the Super